How to Handle Black Friday as an Entrepreneur (and not freak out)
HAPPY BELATED THANKSGIVING to all of you and yours!
We had a bit of a "gong show" situation on Thanksgiving morning, as we had planned to host our very first Turkey Day and woke up with no power. So we decided to pivot and loaded up the sleigh (with both dogs AND cats and the babe) and headed to my parents' house. It turned out to be a wonderful day and a memory we will always have. I had spent a lot of energy and time worrying about serving spoons and table cloths and as I woke up on Thanksgiving morning to a cold house and no lights it was a fantastic reminder of what matters most of all...BEING TOGETHER and GRATITUDE for what we already have.
So with Thanksgiving comes Black Friday and the hype-machine that is the holiday shopping season.
I felt totally off my game with the power outage and not getting my email newsletter out on the day I had planned to, as a result....and then I was trying to strategize a Black-Friday-Small-Business-Saturday-Cyber-Monday-Blitz Offer for you all and felt total overwhelm. This resulted in immediate shut down and freak-out mode and I realized that some of you might be feeling the same way. So this message of reassurance is for you! Before you get lost in the onslaught of holiday shopping madness, watch this: