BLC Video Blog: A PSA for Recovering Perfectionists

Getting this video to you this week has been a literal Act of Congress.  It took me 4 days, 3 attempts and I just wrote out an entire introductory blog leading up to the video being posted and my website editor ate it.  

I can't help but think that all of it is coincidental.

So here you go....Perfection is totally unoriginal, isn't it?  

These days, imperfection and living in your truth is all the rage.  

Check it out and enjoy.  This was a one-take wonder...soak in the awkward sauce.

I would love to hear about your struggles with the pursuit of perfection and how you have overcome them in the comments below.

Interested in getting together to discuss your Branding frustrations?  

Schedule a free Brand Review here and we will carve out 15 minutes to create some clarity and a plan of attack for designing a Brand you L.O.V.E.