Where is your emotional home?
I just got off the plane after a 6-day experience with Tony Robbins at his Date with Destiny event in Boca Raton, Florida.
Here are a few shots of my dear friend Jennifer Desrosiers (owner of the amazing Laney & Lu Cafe and Wild Adventurous Life) and me and Tony and singer Melissa Etheridge who performed live after an amazing week of participating in the program with us.
On the first day he asked us the question, "What little price do you require to give up your happiness?"
At first, admittedly, I didn't fully understand the question.
He proceeded to teach us about the role of suffering in our daily lives and the toll it takes on us.
He explained that suffering is the #1 reason we are unfulfilled and out of alignment with our soul's mission.
Tony said that suffering is living in any state that is not a beautiful one.
Suffering lives in the PERCEPTION of the fact (rather than the fact itself).
Suffering lives in the MEANINGS we attach to our experiences.
I'll give you a second to process that....
To illustrate, he asked us to identify what our "emotional homes" look like.
Our emotional home is our most frequent state of being (most especially when things don't go the way we would like them to).
The way we were raised, our traumas and our life experiences play a profound effect on how we “suffer” as adults.
For example, we “suffer” with beliefs like...
- Through hard work and suffering is the only way to achieve my goals
- By following the rules and playing it safe I will receive approval and acceptance from others
- The opinions of others is equivalent to my true self-worth and value to the world.
These beliefs create the landscape of where we live inside our minds.
When I got honest with myself, I realized that my "emotional home" was not a place I wanted to live anymore.
Guilt. Stress. Anxiety. Worry.
These emotions are the places I find myself going to most quickly when life gets rugged. And even though I feel like I'm working at this ALL THE TIME...these emotions are still the ones that have been my go-to coping mechanism in the past.
What a revelation!!!!
So when he asked the question, again, "How cheap is your happiness?"
It clicked right on in.
Traffic, a stressful email, the sound of a cereal box being emptied (by my 2-year-old) all over the living room floor…
The meanings I've attached to these things break my state.
They shatter it, actually, and when this happens, the idea of shifting into a beautiful one feels like some far off oasis in the distance that I will never quite reach.
So what if we were able to create a beautiful state to experience our lives in?
What if we had the tools to create an entirely new emotional address?
What if Joy, Bliss, Love and Gratitude were our emotional home?
The truth is, suffering, much like the great emotions, is a choice.
And this subtle shift alone can change everything.
It can transform every single dimension of our lives if we allow it to.
Where we begin to look at our problems as gifts and our pain as a blessing.
So, my question for you is this…
What if you chose to live your life in a beautiful state?
What if the way you felt on your happiest days became your new "emotional home?"
What could you accomplish if you got a new address and no longer gave away your joy to things like traffic and dysfunctional people in your life (likely with their own set of emotional home renovations to do)?
Suffering is a choice.
So is looking at life as though it were happening FOR us.
This is about living the WHOLE of our lives...it's about having the courage to be vulnerable, to share our truth and to allow ourselves to reach for the things we want most.
I want to help you get started with that subtle shift...
In my newest program, Brand You Breakthrough, I help you renovate your emotional home so you can align your business with what TRULY makes your heart sing.
Brand You Breakthrough uses my signature process to give you the space so you can get vulnerable and raw and REAL about your embarrassing big vision. (Because if you don’t claim it, how can you make it happen?)
It gives you PERMISSION to want what you want and step up for your values and beliefs.
It empowers you to find your true self so that you can operate from that POWERFUL and AMAZING place.
Because without these pieces, without the courage to share what truly makes your heart sing, your brand doesn't connect.
Your brand actually does the exact opposite of what you were hoping it would create...a heart-centered, authentic connection with your future clients.
Brand You Breakthrough helps you get CLEAR on your big vision and your soul’s purpose so that you bring YOU to the table...and when you do that - clients clamor!
It helps you crack open your self-limiting beliefs so you can leave them behind.
It helps you operate in your natural state of being (and when you do it that way? People want to work with you!)
It helps you CHOOSE you.
And right now through December 31, 2015, the price of this program is only $97.
See all the details HERE and grab this amazing DIY program at this incredible price.
From my heart to yours!
P.S. Give yourself the gift of a brand that makes your heart sing this year. Purchase Brand You Breakthrough for only $97, the most affordable way to work with me, HERE.