The top 3 Biz Q's I ask myself every day
I have been thinking about something really important lately, and I just had to share it with you.
It’s about a group of amazing women and their extraordinary courage to TAKE THE LEAP and go for the things matter to them most of all.
Women like:
- Liza who just recorded her very first video, launched her first website, and is now a work-from-home-mama who gets to be with her baby daughter every single day.
- Lauren who just wrote an e-course, added a trademark symbol to her logo and is launching her website at the end of the month. She’s making these big steps in her life and her girls are watching and observing and learning what they can do too.
- Keri who just launched a Facebook page for her passion project and is launching a whole new realm of her business. She is inspiring her 2 kids and showing them what their mama is capable of and in doing so she’s empowering them to dream bigger.
- Julia who just asked for her logo in print form because she’s going to make business cards and head to her first networking event as a business owner!
One of the key common denominators with these rockstar gals is that they are all part of the Brand Love Bestie Tribe. They’re making moves and they’re living THEIR versions of freedom right here and now.
I share more about these amazing women and a behind the scenes look at my world in this week’s episode of Live Your Freedom TV:
In this week’s episode of Live Your Freedom TV, I’m sharing a look behind the scenes of my life and biz and the 3 questions I ask myself in my business EVERY SINGLE DAY.
It’s these 3 crucial questions that I challenge myself with so that I can continue to Love MY Life. Rock MY Brand. Live MY Freedom (you definitely don’t want to miss them!).
Watch the vlog here.
It’s 2016. Are you ready to Live YOUR Freedom?
How can you use these 3 things to make the best decisions about your brand today?
If you need support, if you are craving a safe space to help you grow your brand and biz, read more about the Brand Love Bestie Tribe.
It could be just the place for daily journaling discoveries, sharing challenges and for receiving the support you’ve been longing for in this lonely entrepreneurial maze.
Here’s to COURAGE in 2016 and to Living Your Freedom!
P.S. Take a look at how Bestie Tribe Member Jen Heilman listened to her soul’s calling.
Jen is not only a rockstar Bestie Member, but a Brand Your Breakthrough graduate.
“I kept getting guided or directed towards Amber’s online challenge for Business Branding. I didn’t think it would be anything useful to me but my curiosity wouldn’t back down. I signed up for the free 7 day challenge and by the end of the first day I knew I was in for the win.
At the end of the challenge I tried to talk myself into not taking the course but all the lights kept lighting up green…even the amount of money I needed showed up just in time…it was awesome and crazy…and beautiful. Everything was pointing me in the direction I needed to go.
The course changed my life.
It changed the direction of my business. It pushed me out of my stuck-ness, my fear and my comfort zone…and that is exactly how I landed right here, right now…because I stepped out of my comfort zone and I continue to step out of it daily.”
id you know that new Bestie members now get FREE access to the Brand You Breakthrough Program? Click here to change the trajectory of your 2016!