4 steps to go from being everything to everyone to a dream client magnet


I took the dogs outside before bed last night and stood under the stars in the it's-officially-frigid-no-longer-fall air and felt my brain ping pong around all of the things on my to do list:

The dessert I still need to make for Thanksgiving, the paperwork I need to fill out for Anni's school, that appointment I need to schedule, the client emails I need to answer, the module that needs to be finalized, the launch plan I want to map out and the workout I still haven't gotten to this week overtook my mind as I tried to settle in to my pre-bedtime routine.

As I climbed in to bed and started scribbling in my gratitude journal, I realized that the only way to disconnect from this frantic pattern that always seems to creep back in is to divorce myself from the notion that I will ever actually be everything to everyone. 

This age-old pattern has followed me around like a shadow in every nook and cranny of my life and I've witnessed it in too many of my clients to count.

So before this holiday season officially commences tomorrow, my friend, I want to remind us that... 

When we try to be everything to everyone, we end up serving no one. (Click to Tweet)

Creating offerings that are too vague to make an impact and crafting launch strategies for everyone instead of the someone that needs it most of all leads us down a path of wasted time, chirping crickets and frustration.

I see so many amazing passionate entrepreneurs putting out:

  • Vague brand messaging
  • Programs and products that lack concrete deliverables
  • Freebies and blog posts with invisible calls to action

And I want to help you change that starting now.

So for the sake of your sanity with the impending holiday season and your beloved brand and business.

Here are my top 4 steps to go from being everything to everyone to a dream client MAGNET:

1. Get clear on who your ideal client really is.

Sometimes we have to kiss a few frogs to find our prince. When I rolled out my full service brand design offering, I attracted in a few clients who only wanted a website, they didn't understand the total value in all that I was offering because, newsflash, I wasn't clear on who I could best serve. 

It took a little finesse (and frustration) for me to figure out what my ideal client profile for this particular package was; but once I got crystal clear on what her chief problem was and how we could co-create a powerful solution, it took me from a digi-version of Cinderella to fairy godmother status in no time.

I could not attract in the clients I was ready to help transform (and whom I LOVE to work with ) until I got clear on who she really was.

2. Tell her what it is you actually do.

What problem are you solving in her life? What solution are you providing that will make her feel like she just stepped in to Target on a mid-week morning sans kids? Emphasize EASE. Speak her language. Help her say yes to herself. Be concise and compelling. Connect with her heart. 

3. Make a bangin' first impression.

Great design matters. We live in an Instagram world and first impressions are everything. Give yourself the gift of professional photos. Invest in the places and spaces in your business where you do not excel so you can put more energy in to what you're great at. Inspire and delight your digi-guests by telling your brand story with a visual experience that matches the magnitude and magic of your big vision.

4. Make it snappy.

Does your website lead your future clients to their solution in 5 seconds or less? If you visited your website with fresh eyes, do you know what it is you actually do as you land on the page? Could you ask a friend to take a quick spin through to give you her first impression? Sometimes a few subtle tweaks in layout and language can make all the difference. Inspire your visitors to continue clicking with a clear pathway to the information they need to decide you can help them.

Great brands don't apologize for building their business for the audience they can best serve. 
(Click to Tweet)

This holiday season and as you look ahead to 2017, I encourage you to carve out some time for a brand audit.

Evaluate your copy, your photos, your website design, the positioning of your freebie, your programs and more.

Start preparing for your next level of expansion. 

Now it's your turn:

What can you let go of in your current brand messaging that is sending mixed signals to the clients who need you most?

Where can you make a few tweaks to your current website to make it easier for your dream clients to work with you? 

If this feels overwhelming, take a deep breath and remember, you don't have to be everything to everyone, your only job is to be something to the someone who needs you most. 

PS - I have cracked open the doors on our Brand Love Studio brand design services again (website, custom logo design, soul fueled brand/biz coaching and more). I am accepting applications for a limited number of soul sisters. If you are ready to create magic together, click here to get on the calendar so we can chat about your sparkly vision.  

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