5 Q's for clarity in the season ahead 🍂

The last few weeks have felt like a cannonball into the deep questions over here.

As someone who has made their life about asking + sharing questions as a means of finding our way closer and closer to truth, this isn't surprising.

But this change in the seasons feels like the edge of something I've never danced with before.

There are openings on invitation and old stories emerging for deeper processing and while these invitations haven't exactly been soft and sweet, they certainly have been clarifying. 

I scribbled this question in my journal last week and it hasn't left my mind since and I knew I needed to share it with you here today on Sacred Sunday.


Here it is:

What problems are you creating to divert your attention from your deepest ache?


Reading over these words makes me feel exposed and seen all at once. 

It's also brought to my awareness that the more honest we are willing to be with ourselves - the better life starts to feel.

If you've been here for any length of time, you might know that 2021 has been quite a year for me...

It's looked like...

  • launching my dream book Paddle Home

  • turning 40 + turning the page on my fertility journey

  • surviving my final miscarriage and IVF attempt

  • picking myself up off the floor and looking ahead to new dreams

  • evolving my business into new containers and ways of supporting my community as we grow

  • making peace with a whole tidal wave of heartbreaks + accepting what is with grace and gratitude

In the midst of these waves, I've found my way back to myself with a new level of courage and conviction.

And it's here that I've come to the realization that any bit of compromise when it comes to living into my calling is a risk I am no longer willing to take.

But this is easier said than done, isn't it?

Every one of us has found ourselves pinched between who we think we're supposed to be and who we really are at one point on our journeys.

And from this place, it's inevitable that we end up designing our lives, our careers, our homes, our ways of being with our loved ones and ourselves in accordance with what's accepted rather than what our hearts have been whispering all along.

We put aside our deep knowing aside for logic and reason and "right timing" and live into the consequences of a life without the lift of its true spirit.

I've walked these pathways and have felt the rush of burning away what was never mine to begin with too many times to count.

And still I find myself weighing reason with what feels like the undeniable truth of my soul on a regular basis.

But what changes when instead of designing our lives in compliance with what's "acceptable" to the outside world, we choose what reunites us with ourselves?

The choice to leave the well-trodden trail is a risky one most will never chance.

And so in the spirit of our on-going conversation here, I am sharing a few questions to help you land in on the clarity you've been craving. 

You might want to grab your journal for these:

  1. Who do we get to become when our lives are no longer built in the shadow of expectations that don't belong to us?

  2. What opens when we give ourselves a blank page to design a life that brings us back to our aliveness?

  3. What does it look like to walk in a straight line toward your deepest ache - to sit with it, to receive it, to see + hear what it wants you to know?

  4. What does it feel like to get really honest in this next chapter of your life?

  5. What changes when you let go of your best laid plans for the life you've always wanted to live?

I've got chills thinking about what's ready to come through here.

How about you?

What are you ready to create next? 

What are you ready to step into right now?

I am rooting for you always.


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