Is your business a conscious creation or response to fear?


Ok, I've gotta know (and so do you)...

Is your business a conscious creation or a response to fear? 

When I first asked myself this question, it felt like a gut punch.

When I looked at the landscape of my life with this question in mind, the scale was undoubtedly tipped in the favor of fear. 

When I looked at my business, the words reverberated in my brain as I scanned the last 2 years as an entrepreneur.

Had the programs and offerings I created been designed from a place of consciousness or in response to something I was avoiding out of fear?

And the truth is, there was absolutely a little bit of both...

There have been moments of total, in-the-zone alignment and just as many moments of total panic, paralysis and firing from the hip. 

Though because I am totally aware of it now, a huge part of my behind the scenes business planning sessions are devoted to on-going checks and balance systems to ask myself...

"Why do you want to create this right now? Why do you want to send this email right now? And why do you want to share this story today?" before I hit the launch button on anything new.

So I want to hand the mic to you, my friend, and ask...

Is your business a conscious creation or is it a response to fear?

Are you so terrified about the fact that you don't know when the next client is coming round the bend or whether or not your former co-workers and family/friends are going to judge you, you paralyze yourself from taking action?

Or are you firmly planted in your purpose and patiently designing products and services to knock your clients' socks off? 

Maybe you're somewhere in between, but you're ready to start moving more swiftly in the direction of 24-hour conscious creation mode?

Wherever you are, it's never too late to start to step in to your power.

And I'd like help you make that process a heck of a lot easier with an invite to join me in an intimate mastermind experience kicking-off just one week.

The Be About It Brand + Biz Mastermind is a small group mastermind opportunity that will:

  • Ignite your MOVEMENT.
  • Help you fully embody your brand across all angles of your business...from the look, to the feel, to the energy + the specific way you serve.
  • Identify the patterns in your business and mindset that are keeping you stuck. 
  • Connect on a cellular level with your dream clients to deliver greater results and earn the income you're more than ready to receive in your work (aka putting a stop to all of the endless worrying and spinning)
  • Position your products + services to provide irresistible offers and unreal value to your dream clients 
  • Design your soul fueled business plan for 2017 (imagine having 2017 completely mapped out before the ball even drops?!)

This program includes private coaching, small group coaching and 6 modules to help you transform your business and brand from the inside out. This program is a $5,000 value for just $997 (or two payments of $500).

Click here to enroll now and grab your seat at the table. 

I want your answer to the question, "Am I consciously creating my brand?" to be a resounding and unequivocal YES.

I want you to make a vow to yourself that you will never give up on bringing your soul's mission to life. 

I want to help you utilize the marketing tools and mediums that work best for YOU (not just the systems the experts are cashing in on and confusing the heck out of you with).

I want to help you slow down, zoom in and get focused on what's going to help you make the biggest impact in the world. 

This is not your average coaching experience.

We go deep, we tap in to your energy, we peel back the layers on all of your patterns and blocks...and most of all...

We will change your life + business, forever.

Don't miss this.

Doors close on Friday, Nov. 4 (or when we're sold out). 

Click here to enroll now and grab your seat at the table. 

Questions? Hit Reply so we can answer them or hop on a quick call to decide if Be About It is a fit for you and your business.

I look forward to hearing your answer to this mega-important question...share over in the comments on the blog.

PS - Want to hear even more and grab a free training from yours truly? Join me for my Soul Fueled Success Masterclass on Wednesday at 2:00 pm ET or 11:00 am PT. 

Amber LilyestromComment