How to monetize your genius

2021 is already off to the races and the intensity of last year is still burning bright.

Ignoring the truth of what's unfolding for us as a collective and in our own personal lives is an impossibility. 

It's time for us to get honest about what's working and what's not.

When we take radical personal responsibility for our impact, our income and our own inner work - things change.

Here's the good news: 

Our resiliency is at a peak status.

Our knowing is more rooted than ever before.

Our willingness to take the necessary ACTION to create the results we crave most most most is at an all-time high.

Here's what I know about you:

You've got plans and a vision for where you're going no matter how challenging things might get along the way.

And...There is no time like right now.

We learned the importance of sovereignty last year and why having multiple income options and the capacity for creating our own economy is paramount.

I am going to say what you already know...

It's time to launch your business.

And if you've already got a business, it's time to get serious about growing it to your next level.

Over the last 7 years, I have worked with thousands of people all over the world to help them do just this.

I am a firm believer that if the dream is in you, it's for you and that your zone of genius is worth monetizing.

I believe that when we share our skills, goods and services with others, we provide the ULTIMATE value.

Consider this your personal pep talk and invitation to join me for a transformative 5-Days starting today…

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We kick-off the 5-Day Born For This Challenge TODAY, Monday, 1/11 and we will be diving into YOUR dream and getting focused on those crucial first steps to figuring out HOW to monetize and share your brand of genius with others. 

I will be going LIVE each day at 3:00 pm ET (replays available) to help you get the clarity you need and the action plan in place that will help you get fully on board with what you were Born to Do here.

Click here to join the Challenge now!

If you’re dreaming about launching that business or transforming the one you’ve got to fit better with what really lights you up - this Challenge is for you.

If you’re tired of talking about your dreams and watching everybody and their sister on your Instagram feed share their wins…this is for you.

We will also be giving away some sweet prizes everyday to winners who complete the homework exercises.

Because dreams without action will get you nowhere.

It's time.

Join us for 5 Days of straight fire coaching and the opportunity to create a roadmap to help you take the action that you've been craving for your most productive and prosperous year yet.

Click here to join the Challenge.

Amber LilyestromComment