My New Year's Gift To You
Happy New Year!
And what an amazing year it’s going to be!
Can you feel it?
There’s nothing like the dawn of a brand new YEAR to get the endorphins flowing!!!
And to celebrate this newness, this EXCITEMENT for everything ahead and my LOVE for you...I wanted to offer you the opportunity to grab Brand You Breakthrough at the 2015 price for just one more day.
Brand You Breakthrough is specifically designed to bring my best soul-based branding work to you - in a work-from-anywhere, do-on-your-own-schedule, affordable way.
It’s your permission slip to DECLARE that undeniable, powerful message with the world - the one that leaves you bursting at the seams - so clients clamor and your biz booms.
It’s here to help you with the process of claiming YOU - the piece that makes you feel ALIVE - because that’s ABSOLUTELY the FIRST STEP before you can even think about a logo, a website, or launching your next big thing.
In just 3 modules (3 weeks or 3 days, you get to decide), you will have clarity about your LIFE'S journey like never before...
And from this place of newfound clarity, you will be able to navigate your 2016 business and career strategy in a more powerful and intentional way.
It's still available for just $97 through today only!
And, did I mention that the incredibly ridiculous price includes a private mini-brand brainstorm call with me? ($250 value)
2016 is yours.
Happy New Year with all my love!