Normalize rest.

I took Anni to get a haircut for the first time in a year last weekend.

We took some time to grab a snack downtown and we brought it down to the park to enjoy the gardens at this spectacular time of year here in New Hampshire.

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(I had to show you a snapshot of this magical place!)

We walked around our favorite little city with the weight of the heat and a COVID-19 world wearing us out. 

When we got home later on, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. 

I asked Ben to tag in with A and up the stairs I went to nap and read and write and be.

As I cracked the spine on a brand new book I am reading for a course I'm currently taking, I could feel my eyes getting heavy in the first few pages.

Two and a half hours later(!!), I woke up to the afternoon sun and the sound of my family splashing and laughing on the pond.

I felt dazed and a little confused about what time it was and how long I had slept and how much more I felt like I could have slept in that moment.

I immediately started thinking about the things that needed to be done, the dinner that needed to be made, etc., etc., etc.

And pulled myself up and out of bed to head down to my family.

And for the rest of the day, my mind traced over the question of "why?"

Why did I nap for so long?

Why did I feel so exhausted?

Why was it so hard for me to accept the tired, I need a break version of myself?


What blew my mind was that it was easier to question whether or not I was getting sick than it was to consider that I might just be T I R E D. 

I don't know about you, but 2020 has revealed that the pace at which we have been living, thinking and being was beyond unsustainable.

It takes me longer to do things than ever before.

I've questioned what was wrong with me in moments.

But what I've learned most of all in 2020 is everything that is RIGHT with me.

I've been able to double down on what's most sacred to me and make room for my biggest priorities.

Rest is not a luxury. 

It's time we embrace + celebrate rest within ourselves and the world at-large.

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Here is Weekend Reminder for you:

You are not a machine. ♥️ ⁣

You are a living, breathing, contracting + expanding body...powered by a soul that is infinite + eternal. ⁣

You are a human being with a curriculum to experience, not a human doing with a life-long task list to tick off. ✅⁣

Your mind, spirit and tired bones need a break...⁣

It’s time to normalize rest.⁣

It’s time to trust ourselves enough to give ourselves the medicine we need most. 🏻⁣

Your business will be there when you’ve recharged yourself...and it will be better for it, I can promise you this.⁣⁣


PS - My most inspired, enlivened and energized ideas always come from my life away from the screen. Whenever I need to open myself to creative solutions and innovative ways of doing ANYTHING, it comes from play, journaling, rest, nature and ease. Your next BIG idea is waiting for you in the space between your doing. 

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