The ONE thing slowing your sales & how to fix it with one TINY tweak...

I was in conversation with a client, this week and she was feeling frustrated at her results in her business.

For the sake of this story, we will call her Sara (not her real name).

Sara was in need of cash and ready to close some sales, but felt like there was something holding her back from reaching the results she was after.

We dove in together and looked at her list of offerings and the ways she was sharing them.

In reality, she was doing ALL of the right things, like:

  • Reaching out to her network

  • Following-up with prospects

  • Sharing on her social media channels consistently

  • Adding value to her community

  • And getting herself excited and aligned with the feeling that these outcomes would elicit BEFORE they even arrived.

But there was still one thing missing...

While she was communicating clearly about the value of her offerings, she was skipping over one very important step and it was showing up BIG TIME in her results.

That one tiny tweak?

Sara was sharing the invitations, but failing to BE SPECIFIC enough for people to take action.

She was asking for help and her well-meaning friends and colleagues were ready and willing to pitch in.

She was inviting her client base onto sales calls, but no one was buying.

The problem?

She was leaving it up to everyone and their sister to decide how Sara could help them and, in effect, wasn't giving her people something to respond to.

And so the beat went on and on. 

She was waiting for them to help.

She was starting to tell herself a story that maybe this wasn't for her, that maybe no one wanted what she had to offer, when all along they were waiting for her to specify the ways in which they could activate.

Has this ever been you?

Well, this story has a happy ending.

Once we identified that this was the missing link, we worked together to identify the top 3 specific ways each of her generous peers could pitch in and they did:

  • One set up a podcast interview

  • Another asked her to be a group expert for her program

  • And another offered to share her offering in an email to her community.

Sara is now equipped to go into those conversations CLEAR + CONCISE in her calls to action.

Now it's your turn:

Where could you be more specific in your calls to action?

Where could you be more specific in the ways you ask others for help and support?

If I've learned anything over the last 4 decades, it's that there is never a shortage of people willing to help.

What slows us down is our ability as the one asking to be specific enough to get the support we really need.

Try this tiny tweak this week and notice how things begin to shift for you in your biz results and in your relationships.

Need help from your partner with something around the house?

Be specific!

Need a team member to step up and help you figure out what end is up? 

Ask them to sit down and brainstorm with you. 

While we humans are extremely adept and intuitive creatures, there's a real gift in helping others to help us. 

No need for mind-reading when we can just be specific.

Cheers to specificity!