Focus Friday: Keep the Faith


This week’s Focus Friday is one that is near and dear to my heart. It’s one that I recorded so I could keep it close by, to remember the reasons why I choose faith in the moments when all I want to do is give up. My hope for you is that this episode will inspire you to do the same.

I share a story with you about the gift of keeping the faith, and how even in situation where it seemed like there was no reason to keep trying- I did. What happened next was nothing short of a miracle, one that I can’t wait to tell you about.

Warning: For all of my fellow cryers who are listening, make sure you grab your tissues- this one is definitely going to bring out the tears.

In this episode:

  • I share a story (you get to hear  it here first) about keeping the faith even when it seems like all is lost [ 1:03 ]

  • How to trust the unfolding of life [ 10:00]

  • The miracle moment [ 12:20 ]

  • The biggest lesson I learned  about love and faith [ 18:45 ]

Soul Shifting Quotes:

  • “I’ve learned enough in my life, that when things are supposed to happen the way they are, when we really trust the lessons and the Divine nudges of our life- miracles happen.”

  • “All is not lost, and sometimes we just have to hang on a little longer than we want to to get to that moment of the miracle... of the magic that is waiting for us on the other side of our faith.”

  • “Treasure the now, treasure the moments, treasure the lessons that are coming through that you might be missing.”

  • “Our world needs more courageous feeling.”

  • “Stop editing yourself out of your own life.”

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