Amber Lilyestrom on Near-Death Experience + Reflections


5 years ago this week, I stopped breathing on the operating room table as I was about to give birth to my daughter, Anni.

In the moments & spaces between new life and the unknown, understandings and knowings of truth washed over me...and I, myself, was reborn.

In today’s episode, I share the reflections + lessons I have learned over the last 5 years since those uncertain moments; and the biggest takeaways that my own brush with death taught me about this precious and magical life that I have been given the gift of living.

In this episode:

  • iTunes review of the week [ 1:25 ]

  • Anni’s 5th birthday, and the 5-year anniversary of my near-death experience [ 4:25 ]

  • What really happened on the operating room table [ 8:45 ]

  • What I’ve learned in the last 5 years [ 17:45 ]

  • Learning how to discern between the voice of my ego + the voice of my truth [ 23:35 ]

  • The journey unfolds as it should [ 27:49 ]

  • Final thoughts on the lessons I’ve learned [ 30:26 ]

Soul Shifting Quotes:

  • “These memories, these moments, are priceless...they are the sounds of life.”

  • “You are the only person who gets to decide what your truth is.”

  • “My work, my mission, my purpose in this life- is joy. Which requires me to be courageous in my truth.”

  • “I don’t want to forget these moments, I want to be fully present in them.”

  • “What I learned, was all that meets us when we die is a feeling of love, appreciation and gratitude; it’s a resounding grace that wraps itself around us. And if that’s what meets us when we die, what do we have to be so afraid of while we’re living?”

  • “It’s time to stand in your truth, it’s time to live it out. It’s time to make the impact that you were put here to make.”

Links Mentioned:

Be sure to follow and tag me in your takeaways and big shifts: @amberlilyestrom

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