How I overcame the fear of being seen

This thing used to happen...

Whenever I would wrap a masterclass, a speaking event, a group call, even after sharing a bold post on social media.

I would complete said action and feel this horrid pit in my stomach.

I'd return to my family and in the middle of making dinner notice this haunting feeling like I did something someone was going to tell me that I screwed up or was just flat out inept.  

It was really, really uncomfortable.

And when I finally noticed the pattern and was able to extract it from the experience of my teaching, I was able to get to its origin point and clear it from my wiring. 

The roots were deeply personal based on experiences I had earlier in my life - and - they were impacting the way I was showing up in my work.

This pattern was putting limits on what I was able to do in my business and the ways in which I was allowing myself to grow.

It didn't matter how excellent or proficient I felt at what I was teaching.

The subsequent stomach twisting symptoms I was experiencing were telling me that every time I stepped into my zone of genius and put myself out there, I was going to be met with this feeling on the other side.  

Last week, in my MAGNETIC Masterclass, I wrapped the training and felt total joy, relaxation in my body and excitement for what I had just shared with my community.

The difference wasn't based on some secret equation or ability to override the pattern...

It was as a result of caring A LOT about how I felt and about how important it was for me to heal, clear and address WHY it was happening in the first place. 

So, I worked on it:

I dove in with my mentor in session on this specific pattern and my readiness to shift it.

I practiced A LOT.

And that meant:

I replicated the experience - by actually putting myself IN the situation with the double benefit of marketing/contributing to my community, and watching how it would manifest itself.

I showed up in my marketing way more. I created new things and put them out there while my inner critic was heckling me every step of the way.

Inside of this process, I discovered something fascinating:

When I crafted my material from my zone of competence, everything felt easier...aka less of the vulnerability hangover symptoms showed up.

When I activated my confidence around what I was teaching AND how I was supporting myself in showing up, like giving myself enough time to prepare, wearing something that made me feel like me and practicing repetitive supportive thoughts, the better I felt.

When I stopped looking at what other people were doing - while in their zone of genius - and disempowering myself about my own.... I broke the cycle of (self-fulfilling) disappointment and the subsequent inertia that would come with it.

And then I locked in on THESE 2 things:

When I focused on what I am excellent at, I feel more competent AND confident to create a stellar experience.

When I lead with what I am meant to teach - in the very specific ways I am meant to teach it, activation becomes a whole lot easier and a lot more fun.

The Bottomline:

When I operate from my deepest truth, my expertise, my experience and my passion - I find that space of being completely unshakable - EVEN when I'm wrong, make mistakes, don't know the answer and need to take a pause to find my center.

Over to you:

What are you excellent at?

What does it look like to activate your zone of competence & confidence to create/share what you're the very best at?

What nuanced ways could you make it even easier on yourself?

Perfection be gone...Comparison = irrelevant.

We're talking about you and you....and your community needs what only you've got! 

Here's to overriding inertia, taking aligned action and fully embodying our fabulous selves,


Jamie ClampetComment