The Wake-up Call that Lead to my Latest five-figure launch
You know the feeling.
You're at the party...bridal, baby, birthday or otherwise.
You don't know anyone but the sweet gal who everyone is celebrating, and you've felt like like a fish out of water since you walked in the door.
You're the one sporting skinny jeans and mala beads in a sea of sun dresses and Tiffany solitaires.
You're tripping over your words at the punch bowl and anything intelligent, insightful or mildly interesting is suddenly escaping your brain, or worse, you've morphed into "Prove Yourself Paula" and you're listing off every single life achievement from pre-school graduation to that high school superlative for best hair.
You're totally out of your element and silently praying your child gives you a reason to leave ASAP.
But you're stuck and you've got no one to face but your own fakey-pants self.
My daughter and I are playing legos in the back room alone, when I quickly realize that even the other kids notice we don't belong here.
The blessed moment arrives and the last gift is opened and it's naptime, so we say our goodbyes and thank yous and scurry to the car.
I'm praying my friend forgives me for (or by some miracle didn't notice) the tidal wave of uncomfortable that I just hand delivered to her special day.
And as we scrambled up the driveway, it hits me right between the eyes...
This was the glaring lesson I had been waiting for.
This massive moment of misfit-dom was the neon sign I needed to set myself free.
Because that day wasn't about fitting in.
It wasn't about the party at all...
It was about my life and my business and the story I had been telling myself about how I was supposed to show up.
It was about how hard I had been judging myself and who I believed I had to be in order to achieve the dreams I felt that, deep down in my bones, already belonged to me.
This was about that tidal wave of self-doubt that had me spending more time seeking and proving than stepping up and into my sweet spot.
And the truth is...
I had fallen out of love with the whole foundation upon which my brand and business had been built upon.
I was attracting the wrong clients for the wrong reasons.
And there it was...
I had completely lost the magic of honoring Brand Me in my business.
I took a deep breath, clicked in my seatbelt; put both hands on the wheel, and promised myself to never do that again, to myself or to my sweet friend.
I drove home with a fire in my eyes and a conviction in my heart.
It was like the flip of a switch.
I was ready and I knew what I had to do.
To focus my energy, my heart and my time on the answers that already belonged to me.
To step up and help my clients achieve the RESULTS they wanted the most.
To support them as they experienced the transformations they were ready to undergo.
And to deliver what I was capable of delivering.
I sat down and built a roadmap for my life and my business that put a stop to the endless freak outs, the constant low-grade anxiety, the energy that amplified scarcity instead of abundance and have been totally astounded at what happened next.
I just wrapped another five-figure launch.
And I did it in the midst of my life as an uber busy mamapreneur with a one-to-one client list, a thriving online community and loads of other balls in the air, who works less than 3 hours per day.
And I'm totally psyched to share my roadmap with you.
Here's your permission slip to be who you really are....
And I'll also be sharing my soul fueled strategy to design a business that inspires, empowers and transforms lives, most importantly, yours.
Join me on Wednesday, June 22 at 1:00 pm EST/ 10:00 am EST for a free live training.
I will be sharing with you the behind the scenes details on EXACTLY what I've done to create more time and financial freedom in my life than I ever thought possible.
I'll peel back the layers on how:
- I created multiple five-figure launches and a six-figure business.
- I maintain a steady stream of new clients at the rate and pace I work best.
- I shifted my business model to focus on only doing what I do BEST, rather than "cirque du soleil-ing" myself in 1,000 different directions.
- I maintain a 2-3 hour per day work schedule so I can be home full-time with our 2 year old daughter.
- I have helped hundreds of clients TRANSFORM their lives...from leaving corporate careers, to launching their businesses, to increasing profitability, to getting crystal clear on their core message and so much more.
This is the most powerful, tell-all training I have EVER done and it is going to TRANSFORM the way you think about your brand and how you operate your business.
Click here to join me...Seats are limited!
Are you ready?
PS - I will not be promoting a group program or a product on this training. I will be sharing a behind the scenes look at exactly how I've designed a profitable, business that is growing with me and is on track to more than double my 2015 revenue, while still making time for the life I desire.